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发布者: [发表时间]:2018-05-30[来源]: [浏览次数]:







应聘者请于20180606前将中英文求职信(包括应聘原因、经历及个性等)和中英文简历邮寄或发送至 673834354@qq.com ,经过初选后将通知面试,面试采用英文,包括应聘者对科研工作的简介(Presentation),面试时间定于20180609日上午,面试地点在bwin官网登录入口。



Beijing University of Agriculture and Harper Adams University, International Food Industry, Business Management and Supply Chain Research Centre recruit one Research Associate Post.


Recruitment Process:

-         Candidates should submit a typewritten letter of application setting out their reasons for the application and the experience and personal attributes they would bring to the post, accompanied by their CV. Both the letter and CV should be in Chinese and English. These can either be emailed (Email address: 673834354@qq.com), or posted to the International College of Beijing University of AgricultureICBUA, before 6th June 2018

-         Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in English in Beijing at the ICBUA on the morning of Friday 9st June 2018.

-         Candidates will be expected to make a short presentation in English at their interview of some research they have conducted. 



